I'm back on the market... for the first time...
Author: Justin Kenyon
First and foremost, this post is about my career as a software developer... Sorry, ladies and gents, I am very happily married!
Professionally speaking, I am super excited to say that we have reached the final stretch in the Metis bootcamp where we start exploring the options for where to bring our passionate programming skills. So far, there appears to be a great market here in Boston for Rails developers.
I am very familiar with interviewing and searching for companies to join from my career in IT. However, this time, I am trying to convince hiring managers to take the chance on me as an investment with an extremely high return potential. Helping me in this endeavor is going to be the extensive work that I have been putting into developing my Rails, CSS/SASS, and Javascript(jQuery) skills. Luckily in this day and age there are tools like Github and LinkedIn to facilitate the introductions and first impressions that you don't always get to make in person.
I am continuously adding to my open source contributions list, but one small tool that I have been developing, and am proud of, is my entry into the crowded URL shortener space, jpk.io. This is a tool that I built using Rails and jQuery with styling using thoughtbot's bourbon and neat with SASS. Take a look at my github project page, kenyonj/shortenit, and feel free to fork it and contribute, or give me any pointers.
Over the next few weeks I will be starting a few more projects including my passion project for the culmination of the bootcamp. This is going to give me a great opportunity to practice my TDD skills, and maybe even use a little Ember.js!
Stay tuned! ...and if you are hiring and want to get in touch: